
  • To install and execute:
ansible-galaxy install constrict0r.iso
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.iso -K
  • Passing variables:
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.iso -K \
    -e "{username: [mary]}"
  • To include the role on a playbook:
- hosts: servers
      - {role: constrict0r.iso}
  • To include the role as dependency on another role:
  - role: constrict0r.iso
    username: [mary]
  • To use the role from tasks:
- name: Execute role task.
    name: constrict0r.iso
    username: [mary]
  • To use a USB stick to install a physical computer:

Use this role to generate a remaster.iso image (replace with your data):

ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.iso -K -e \
    'username=constrict0r userpass=1234 rootpass=1234 device=sda \
    preseed=true preseed_wireless=true preseed_partitioning=true \
    preseed_last_question=true \
    preseed_custom=/home/constrict0r/Documentos/madvillain.yml \
    networkname="MY NETWORK" networkpass="my-network-pass" \
    hostname="latveria" domain="amanita" \
  • Then use dd to copy the file to your USB stick (replacing sdx with your drive):
su -c 'dd if=/path/to/remaster.iso of=/dev/sdx'
  • Some modern computer complaints about a cdrom not detected during the installation process (because they no longer include cdroms), to overpass this issue, rename the extension .iso to .img and use dd to copy the file:
mv remaster.iso remaster.img
su -c 'dd if=/path/to/remaster.img of=/dev/sdx'

To run tests:

cd iso
chmod +x

On some tests you may need to use sudo to succeed.

Use this role to generate a remaster.iso image (replace with your data):

ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.iso -K -e \
    'username=constrict0r userpass=1234 rootpass=1234 device=sda preseed=true \
    preseed_wireless=true preseed_partitioning=true preseed_last_question=true \
    preseed_custom=/home/constrict0r/Documentos/madvillain.yml networkname="MY NETWORK" \
    networkpass="my-network-pass" hostname="latveria" domain="amanita"'

Open Virt Manager and click on the New Virtual Machine icon (the tiny computer):


On the new Virtual Machine screen choose the option Local media and press Next:


On the Create Virtual Machine screen, search for the remaster.iso file and on the bottom input select the Generic OS type, then press the Next button:


On the Memory Assign screen type the amount of memory you need and the amount of cpus that you want to use and press Next:


On the Disk Space screen type the amount of space that you want to use and press Next:


On the Final screen put a name to your Virtual Machine, choose the network you want to use and press Finish:
